Friday, February 6, 2009

International Music That is Amazing!

In response to our school hosting foreign exchange students, I am posting some pretty amazing international artists that need to become mainstream in America- help save us from the other Britneys and Spice Girls who have no talent!

First up is Shiri Maimon, an Israeli rocker who has a gorgeous voice. Check out her hit "Ahava Ktana":

The next is a Turkish pop star who mixes pop music with his own country's flavor- Tarkan. The song that I'm posting, Simarik, has been remade several times. You might have heard it sampled in Holly Vallance's "Kiss Kiss".

The next lady to be featured is like the Britney Spears of Asia. Her catchy tunes and dance moves have made her an icon. Jolin Tsai:

That's all for now- gotta go to Physics class- but more will be posted later.

xo xo